We answer the most frequently asked questions

Marry Spain is free for users

What does free of charge mean?

We do not charge our customers any extra fees. We invest our time in making it easier for our customers to search.

So, where does marry spain make its profit?

Our collaborators and partners are the ones who pay an annual fee to be present on our platform and this allows them to get business and contacts through our website.

Don't companies and professionals add any commission to the final price?

No, the fees of the partners we work with have been previously negotiated, so that they are adjusted to competitive market prices. The rate you will pay will be the same or lower than the one offered directly without our services.

Our suppliers sign a commitment to belong to the platform where they undertake to maintain or improve their rates, in no case increase them.

If you detect any change in this regard let us know at and we will take the corresponding actions with the supplier.